Approffitto per augurare Buone Vacanze a tutti!!
My holidays have already begun. I will spend some days in the mountains in the cool and relax. But I don't leave my passions at home. Threads, needles and fabrics always are my companions and even if I create a bit more slowly, and sit down at the computer less often, I think I can publish new posts in the coming days.
I wish Happy Holidays to everyone!
buone vacanze Nadia.Un bacione dolceneve
RispondiEliminatorna presto! aspettiamo i nuovi post...
RispondiEliminabuone vacanze....
melania (^.^)
buone vacanze... rilassati, ricama, insomma goditela
RispondiEliminama sei sulle "mie" montagne???
Buone vacanze allora, divertiti!!!